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Which products are Kosher?Updated 10 days ago

Kosher seafood is typically seafood that comes from an animal with scales and fins. Specifically it is fish that has scales that can be easily removed. Most fish we sell fits this criteria (ex. Salmon, Trout, Bass, Anchovies, etc.). Some fish, like Swordfish, is not considered Kosher because it does not have scales that can be easily removed.

  • Seafood such as lobsters and shrimp are not considered Kosher (no scales or fins).
  • Fish eggs are considered Kosher if they come from a Kosher fish.

However, there are additional considerations. For example, strictly kosher fish must not come in contact with non-kosher fish. It's also typically not considered kosher if the skin has been removed (unless the consumer is the one removing it or witnesses it being removed) even if it is meat from a Kosher fish. OUKosher.org is a great resource for additional information.

Due to some of these additional considerations most of the items we sell are not strictly Kosher.  By typing kosher into the search bar you can locate strictly kosher fish as our assortment changes over time.

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