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Is the seafood caught daily?Updated 10 days ago

In some cases yes and in other cases no, but one thing doesn't change - our #1 focus is getting you the best seafood short of catching it yourself.  

Live shellfish are caught daily and, in many cases, shipped to the customer the same day.  

For freshly frozen seafood, upon thawing, you should find the taste and texture is better than seafood you may find elsewhere. The first step we take is to find the best quality raw material and intentionally purchase large quantities due to the quality we're seeing at the time.

After we locate the best raw material, our seafood is quickly frozen at extremely low temperatures, up to -70°F. By super-freezing the seafood at peak freshness, we lock in quality, texture, and nutrients. This is in sharp contrast to seafood that is slow-frozen or twice-frozen. We then store the product in commercial grade freezers to ensure it maintains its quality.

It's important to note that every type of seafood is a bit different. For example, we purchase tuna more frequently, hold it for shorter periods of time and at even lower temperatures. Due to the tuna’s higher oil content, this extra effort ensures we are always getting you world-class tuna.  You can find the freshness guarantee on all the seafood by navigating the product page and clicking on the More Info tab.

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