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I'm looking for an item that you used to carry but cannot locate it. Do you still sell it?Updated 4 months ago

If you are looking for a product we used to carry but are not finding it in our offered selection, there may be various reasons for this. Sometimes, products are unavailable due to seasonality (some fish run in the winter while others run in the summer, etc.). Weather can create shipping delays and force boats to stay at shore, creating an unreliable supply, the quality or sizing of the fish might not be up to our standards, or there may be logistical reasons that prevent us from offering the best product at a fair price.

Please check back, as our assortment is always changing. As we see the fish biting, we’ll update our website accordingly. If there is a product you are seeking that is not listed, please reach out to our customer service team, and they will let our procurement team know your interests.

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